Do you like to participate at a workshop 3D illustrating? I’m going to give this workshop during the Snorfestival, on Sunday, September 20th
We’re going to transform matchboxes into illustrations, into compelling images. You can get some inspiration from the examples I have made. We start with black lines, we can use some color, and add small objects to which we turn into something else. Thus comes an exciting new image. We make a collage. We learn to look differently, to look at the shapes of the objects, and what we can do with it. So creativity is encouraged and stimulated the imagination.
During the Snor Festival there are several workshops, a bloggers café, food, drinks, music, performances, all in a cozy atmosphere. Like last year the festival is situated at the De Lievelinge Campsite in Vuren.
Learn more about the festival:
On their blog you can read a post about my workshop. Interview Snor Festival: Ángeles Nieto, in August 14 2015
I am looking forward to it. I hope to see you there and make something beautiful.
Illustrations: Ángeles Nieto
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