Creativity is an ability with that we all are born, but can be weaken. As another part of the body that can not be used will reduce or disappear. You are creative, you have creative brains. We are all…
Angeles Nieto
I’ve always believed that creative inspiration as a ”miracle” does not exist. However, there is a spark which can germinate ideas spontaneously and naturally. Inspiration comes from the Latin word Inspiratio, process of breathing, which causes the air enters…
Could it be true that if we paint one hand yellow and the other hand blue, we feel the temperature difference in each hand? Can the eye see if you can feel the difference. And if we were in…
I like very much to enter a shop with art materials, all the colors are nicely arranged in the showcases, it’s for me like a candy store for a kid. You know the feeling to go to a crowded…
History of the kiss, the kiss in art history Through the centuries, the kiss has been a source of inspiration for artists. The history of the kiss shows us our own history, the evolution of our beliefs, thoughts, habits…
I am from Madrid, the dry Castilian plateau. Now I live in the Netherlands and have discovered in these lowlands, where water is so close to the ground, is the mist. This is wonderful. It is most common in…
Ideas do not always come when ever you need them. There are creative techniques to find solutions and to apply it in companies, to innovate products or services and by creating images. New ideas are the basis of innovation.…
Is it true that the artist’s eye exists? Does a maker see different? And if so, how does he see and why? Can you learn to watch like him? I was in Curacao with a girlfriend who is a…
Creative process I am intrigued by the creative process, this is a mystery which I want to immerse myself. What happens when an artist stays for a white canvas, as born out of nothing. What ideas does an artist…
Can you imagine a world without songs without dance, without drawings. Children who don’t sing, dance or be creative are unhappy. Prehistoric people, already painted, they made music and told their stories. Yes, we would die without art. But…