Lately I often take pictures of autumn. Autumn surrounds us and it’s hard not to enjoy. Autumn is the perfect season to photograph, for the light and the colors. For me it’s an inspiration that I use when I am painting or illustrating. I give 10 keys that improve photographing the autumn.
1. Photograph the autumn fog
The fog softens the light. In reality, the fog is a low-hanging cloud, full of small droplets suspended in the air.
Dense fog is difficult to photograph, but the charm is in the fact that the forms are simplificated that you cannot see any details more. The fog does not always have the same density in the landscape and can vary in intensity by several layers of gray. If you play with this element you can get depth into your photos. The fog creates mysterious atmospheres, fades and feeds the imagination to finish the image.
Do you want to get great pictures, combine fog with the sun. Photograph fog and sunbeams breaking on contact with branches or leaves. Choose backlight and you’ll get spectacular results.
2. Shoot animals, plants and mushrooms
In autumn, nature is full of fruit with strong, red, purple colors. Take photos at close range, the details.
Besides visiting the mushrooms with their special shapes and textures. It is important to determine your position when taking the pictures. The best photos you can get close to the ground. Get close and use a macro lens. Use a plastic bag on the ground for these pictures to avoid that your pants get wet. Note the rhythm when photographing a group of mushrooms, play with it, it will get better results.
3. Photography autumn at home, in the studio
There are many typical autumn fruits, figs, apples, chestnuts, pomegranates and berries. To get your photos different, try to create a good composition with contrasts of light and shadow. Looking for a suitable background to place the fruit, think about color or texture. Actually build a still life. The picture becomes even more interesting when you show opened fruit, such as an orange cut in half together with unopened fruit.
You can also create different compositions with elements of autumn leaves. Decide what you want to express. Collect what you want to photograph. These preparations can be used as a sketch for painting or illustration.
4. Variation of leaf colors in the trees
A tree or group of trees can show a lot of color in their leaves. Shades ranging from green to yellow to brown or deep red to almost black. The colors are enhanced by sunlight, so at noon, with the full sun is the perfect time to capture it with your camera.
5. Autumn backlight
Autumn in nature is full backlighting. This can be used to create spectacular effects. By sunlight at the front of the camera the object becomes darker, it shows its silhouette and often long shadows on the ground.
6. The reflections in the water
Find rivers or lakes, or puddles on the ground. Look at the reflections that creates the water. Reflection can make an interesting choice, it creates scenes where the lines are marked, and creates depth. Look closely to the relationship between reflection, the reflected and the environment. With reflections in the water you can see a double sun, one in the air and one in the water. A tree can be displayed in a different way, or create a line game with the branches of the bushes.
7. Water drops
In autumn there are often rainy days, there is dew and fog on leaves, fruits, twigs and cobwebs perches. Try to photograph those drops, they are like crystal balls. Especially spectacular when they are displayed on the cobwebs.
8. Choose the perfect time to photograph the autumn
The best time to photograph autumn is early morning or late afternoon. At that moment the sun scattered light intensity with interesting like gold and pink colors.
Do you need bright, vivid color photographs then it is the perfect time to do that in the afternoon with full sun and no clouds.
9. Do you want to capture the autumn with your photos – frame your work
Be aware of the context that you choose to make your picture. Try the same scene from different angles, place the horizon up or down, this determines the impact and the meaning we want to give the image.
10. Experiment
The best way to make pictures “own” is to experiment, try it and give yourself time. Photograph, paint, create ideas, usually the first are less. I consider it as a preparation, like a warm-up for performing the peak comes later. Deepen, try and experiment are needed.
Are you looking forward to it? It is a pleasure these autumn moments.
Do you know one of these keys, do you have experienced it, do you have to add a new one?
Today is a brilliant sun here, I take the camera and go taking pictures, do you come?
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Photos by Ángeles Nieto
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