Art Journal


Watch when and where …

Under the title “Recetas de amor y pescado” (recipes of love and fish) I made this special monotypes. The complete edition has 16 pages, with seven different images and the rest with fantasy fish recipes with some erotic and loving touch. Watch when and where… I play with the double meaning of the words and actions. Each image is handmade with different materials (acrylic, inks, oil chalk) and through different techniques (drawing, painting, collage). They are made on handmade acid-free paper from India, 300 grms paper, you can see the different layers of cotton. Of each image are 20 different expl. (these are all some different from each other) created by hand. Size: 35 x 25 cm

You can order each monotype with a fantasy recipe.

Some of the recipe texts in the folder: ”Recipes of love and fish”/ Might and tips for the kitchen

Loose rice. To loosen the sticky rice, you need to add a few drops of lemon for each liter caress. The softer the caress the deeper it is.

Love Pillow with a rose smell. Moisten your lips with sugared strawberries and sip cherry liqueur with ice. With every kiss, the taste will be more intense.

Hard meat. When hard meat sauce is cooked, put while cooking in the sauce a large, clean cork. So the meat is soft in a short time.

Fish skin. To get a soft and smooth skin, you should pat the fish in sea salt. Taking a bath for two is recommended.

Protein at the point of snow. Beat the egg whites to get stiff, and add a pinch of salt from the beginning and three drops of lemon juice.

Enjoy your meal!

Photos/ art: Ángeles Nieto


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