Art Art techniques Illustration


When you know the value of a color is that the key to make an interesting picture. Color is one of the key elements in images, graphics or in artwork. I will give 7 clues that can help you use it better.

Color is an observation of the eye, which is made possible by sunlight or other light source. We can do the things around us and see the color because color is the light that reflects from the objects. Therefore, color is light. The color changes depending on the amount of light received by the object, it may be lighter or darker, this is called chroma. Value is “to be lighter or darker” color.

If you look at color from this point, everything changes.

All colors have a value. The value indicates the different degrees of light intensity. White (more light) to black (more shade) gives different shades of gray to.

When one of the colors from the color wheel adds something white (to win brightness) or black (to darken the color) this is a change of color value.

Why is it important to distinguish the color value?


1. Thanks to the color value we create volumes.

“When we highlighted a round object we observed that the light was gradually distributed from a zone of maximum illumination in dark environments.

This effect is named chiaroscuro and is represented by the scale of values. Here, light is represented by the white, the absence of light by black and variations of gray”.

2. Thanks to the color we create depth in an image, closer, farther away.

3. Each color has a scale of values.

Each color has its own scale of values. For example. Yellow goes from white to black through light yellow, yellow and dark yellow. It is surprising to see that in the darkening of the yellow is also the color green added.

4. Colors with a high value, reflect more light, and colors with low value (darker) absorb more light. Within the color wheel, yellow is the color with light (closer to white) and the lowest violet (closer to black).

Yellow, for example, number 9 of brightness gain on a scale of 1 to 10,

5. How can you distinguish color value ?.

The best way is to “translate” it into grayscale. It’s like putting on a color photo to black and white. This can with Photoshop, but also with the free Photoshop Express App.

6. Analyze the value of color in an image and it will help you understand how the image is constructed. Two have different colors (such as red and blue) to the same value. This depends on your own color value (lighter or darker) and the intrinsic value of color relative to the other colors used.

Similar color values in the image can cause problems in the contrast. The way to find out is to convert the color image into a black and white image.

7. Create a color value scale

Create your own color value scale value scale is the division between the lightening and darkening of color. By repeatedly adding a small amount of white or black in color, you can get the color scale. The scale of values, the distribution of light and shade of a color. Gradually adding different amounts of the white color or black color, we will obtain the value scale. The base color should always be the same. Making a color value scale helps you in your choice of your colors you will use. It helps you see volumes, when you are working with depths, it solves a lot of color problems. It is a key to your work


From now on, the word” light” is when you think of color. “I will use the color red for contrast”, “I will use the light from red to create contrast.” If you look at everything changes color in this way. I make paintings full of color, but I always think “in light”.

Before I’m painting, I decide how I light the canvas structure, which part will be darker and lighter spots. I always go out of the screen (default is white) and the first colors I use are always light and bright. Then come the “midtoness” and eventually the dark tones.

Do you work in this way?




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